Beach Volleyball Court Dimensions: All You Need to Know

Updated On
January 16, 2024
beach volleyball court dimensions

Whether you’re thinking about building your beach volleyball court or simply a player keen on learning about the game’s specifics, the dimensions of a volleyball court do play a crucial role. It’s well known that the pressure in a beach volleyball game is a bit more relaxed compared to indoor volleyball, making it a fantastic sport for sunny days on the beach.

In this article, I will explain the standard beach volleyball court dimensions, and discuss why they are crucial for anyone involved in the sport, from casual beachgoers to serious athletes.

female player on a beach volleyball court

What Are Beach Volleyball Court Dimensions?

The beach volleyball court dimensions, particularly for USA Volleyball and NCAA Beach Volleyball doubles competitions, the standard requirement is a court that measures 16 meters by 8 meters (52’6” by 26’3”).

The posts, used for mounting the volleyball net, are positioned 1 meter (3′-4”) from each sideline and are spaced 10 meters (30′-7”) apart. The surface of a beach volleyball court is made up of leveled sand, carefully maintained to be smooth and free of debris like pebbles or shells, to provide a safe and uniform playing ground.

volleyball net at the sandy beach on a bright sunny day

The lines marking the playing court are 5 centimeters wide and of a contrasting color to the sand. These lines include two sidelines and two end lines, outlining the court’s boundaries. In contrast to indoor volleyball courts, beach volleyball does not feature a center line. The materials used for these boundary lines are designed to be durable, with any exposed parts securely anchored to avoid injury risks.

Around the court, there are specific zones, including the service zone and the free zone. The service zone extends 8 meters behind the end line and reaches up to the free zone, which is about 3 meters wide.

The height of volleyball nets varies by competition level: for men, volleyball net heights are set at 2.43 meters, and for women, it is 2.24 meters. For junior players aged 16 and under, the maximum net height is also 2.24 meters. The net itself is 1 meter in width and 8.5 meters in length, with the top and bottom of the mesh featuring horizontal white bars that are 7-10 centimeters wide.

Lastly, each sideband of the net has an antenna, measuring 80 centimeters in height. These antennas are attached outside the sidelines and the posts they are connected to stand 0.70 to 1 meter apart from the sidelines and are 2.55 meters high.

For safety reasons, the antennas are cushioned and wireless when mounted to the ground, minimizing the risk of injuries on the playing surface. All hazardous protrusions are covered up to ensure player safety.

Why Are Sand Volleyball Court Dimensions Important?

two women playing volleyball on the beach

The importance of standardized volleyball court dimensions cannot be overstated in beach volleyball. These standards ensure fairness and consistency across all games, whether it’s local beach tournaments or official competitions.

Knowing the exact measurements of the court allows players and teams to strategize and adapt their gameplay to different settings. This knowledge is crucial in sports, where even a small variation in court size or net height can heavily affect how the game is played.

Safety is another critical aspect. Properly sized and marked volleyball courts provide ample space for players to move, dive, and jump, which is essential in reducing the risk of injuries. For example, surfaces like the VMKON Macwood Pro Indoor Flooring are renowned for their shock absorption qualities, absorbing up to 60% of impact forces. This dynamic is similar to a sand volleyball court, where players often leap and land on the sand without any strain on their joints and muscles.

The size of the court also influences game strategy and tactics. Smaller courts may benefit agile players who excel in covering ground quickly to reach difficult shots. On the other hand, larger courts might favor powerful players who rely on strong, hard hits to dominate the game. This tactical aspect of volleyball is what makes the sport so unique and interesting to both play and watch.

The dimensions of the court directly impact the game equipment used, notably the volleyball net height. This height determines the level at which players can hit the ball, influencing gameplay elements like spiking and blocking.

A net set too high or too low can drastically alter the game’s nature, making it either too challenging or too easy for certain players. Therefore, adhering to standard court dimensions and net heights is required to maintain the game’s integrity and competitive balance.


As an experienced coach and player, I can’t emphasize enough the importance of understanding court dimensions, whether you’re designing a beach volleyball court or gearing up for a game. These dimensions aren’t just measurements on paper; they’re fundamental to creating a fair, safe, and consistent playing environment.

The playing surface, whether it’s the smooth sands of a beach court or the shock-absorbing floors of an indoor volleyball court influences how the game unfolds. Knowing these details, from court dimensions to surface types, is key to not only playing the game well but also appreciating the depth and skill involved in volleyball.


What are the dimensions of the AVP beach volleyball court?

The AVP beach volleyball court, adhering to FIVB rules, measures 26’3” by 52’6”. In terms of net dimensions, the AVP uses a 28′ long net. For men’s games, the net height is set at 8′, while for women’s games, it’s slightly lower at 7’4”.

What size is a beach volleyball net?

A professional-grade regulation-size beach volleyball net measures 39 inches in height and 32 feet in length. It often includes fiberglass dowels for added stability. Additionally, the net height varies based on gender, standing at 8 feet for men and 7 feet 4 inches for women.

What are the dimensions of a 2×2 volleyball court?

The standard dimensions for a 2×2 volleyball court are 26’3″ in width and 52’6″ in length. These measurements are taken from the outer edge of the boundary lines, aligning with the new regulation size for more intimate 2-on-2 games.

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